
DESS Droit des Affaires Internationales
Diplôme de juriste conseil d’entreprise – Institut de Droit des Affaires – Université Aix-en-Provence Marseille III



Stéphanie holds a DESS (5-year degree) in International Business Law and a Diplôme de Juriste Conseil d'Entreprise. As soon as she started her career in 1997, she specialized in tax law when joining EY Law, a member of the international Ernst & Young network.

She joined BBLM's tax department in 2007.

Stéphanie advises companies and their directors on the day-to-day operation of their business, as well as on restructuring, sales, acquisitions and transfers of business or private assets.

She also assists businesses and individuals in defending their interests with the tax authorities (accounting audits, ESFP (assessment of personal tax situation), administrative and/or judicial litigation, QPC (preliminary ruling on

She also assists businesses and individuals in defending their interests with the tax authorities (accounting audit, ESFP, administrative and/or legal litigation, QPC).

Stéphanie is a regular speaker at seminars and conferences.