Our culture of tax advice is to develop strategies as close as possible to the interests of our clients that respect their heritage objectives, facilitate restructuring transactions and transmission projects, by seeking a balance between creativity, innovation and compliance with best practices. Our tax advising culture focuses on preparing strategies to the best of our clients’ interest that are in line with their financial goals, that facilitate restructuring transactions and transfer projects, while seeking balance between creativity, innovation and compliance with the best practices.

Managing the tax risk, in both financial and criminal aspects, is also part of our mission, as to advice and defense, during inspections and at each step of the tax and criminal procedures.



  • Tax aspects of real estate business (real estate VAT, transfer duty exemption schemes based on commitments, Article 210 F of the French General Tax Code, tax specificity of property traders (marchands de biens), property development, planning, housing development)
  • Transfer of family business (donations before sale, contribution-sale, “Pactes Dutreil”)
  • Taxation of charities (patronage, endowment, associations…)
  • Taxation of innovation (CIR, JEI) and innovative legal tools (real estate partnership (commandite immobilière), crypto-assets)
  • Structure taxation in groups (taxation of flows, transfer of controlling ownership, group mergers and restructuring)
  • Tax environment of managements packages (bonus shares, BSPCE…)
  • Tax rulings and regularizations
  • Assistance with inspections (ESFP (assessment of personal tax situation) and accountant audit, Assistance under Article L16 B of the French Book of Tax Procedure, managing tax proceedings and litigation…)
  • Wealth/Asset taxation (corporate structure of asset ownership, complex donations, matrimonial property regimes)
  • Tax returns (income tax, wealth tax on real estate, 3% tax, etc.) and assistance with closing accounts