Always committed to corporate advice, the employment practice group assists and advises employers on all aspects of labor law, social security law, and pensions & benefits.

Our DNA includes anticipating hazardous situations, showing a fighting and creativity spirit in analyses, and offering innovative solutions, allowing us to better manage the social risk and to improve social relationships, i.e. a factor of development and growth.

The employment practice group is also involved in managing and following up disputes both in labor law and social security matters.



  • Collective relationships – Collective negotiation – Staff representative bodies
  • Management from an employment standpoint of corporate transfers and change in legal structures, M&A, business closures, etc.
  • Redundancies, employment support plans (plans de sauvegarde de l’emploi), voluntary departure plans and ‘collective mutual termination’ (rupture conventionnelle collective)
  • savings
  • International mobility
  • Assistance during URSSAF inspections, Litigation


The employment practice group includes a partner and three associates working closely with the other practice groups to offer cross-disciplinary service.